Tuesday, 6 September 2011

ImbA Chuck Norris part 1

kalo korang ni peminat citer2 wayang 80-an dan 90-an dlu...

mesti korang kenal ngan Chuck Norris...

dia nie mmg holy shit imba... martial arts skill dia cam haroomm je...

dia ni mmg legend la among american actors..

sbb dia pro shit karate...

mmg kalo dia tak puas hati ngan kau, u better run fool, coz he's gonna roundhouse kick ur ass...


dia ni jugak merupakan founder kpd martial art bernama Chun Kuk Do yg loosely based on Karate...

ImbA kan... dia ade buat chain gyms la tuk perkenalkan martial art dia nie..

tapi yg imba pasal chuck norris ni bukan acting dia ke ape...

tapi sbb dia ni tough hanjeng.... org2 kat US ni buat la lawak2 yg holy shit imba pasal dia nie...

cube korang chekidout lawak2 pasal Chuck Norris nie...

ni dia top 5 chuck norris Jokes...

5. when chuck norris goes into a dark room, he does not turn the light on, he turns the darkness off..

4. chuck norris has already counted to infinity- twice.

3. chuck norris has already been to Mars, that's why there is no signs of life there...

2. chuck norris's tears can cure cancer... too bad he he had never cried.

1. when the boogeyman goes to sleep, it check its closet for chuck norris.

suke dengan entri hari nie.. sile klik


  1. Aren't you supposed to be running away now, cuz Chuck's just behind ya, ready to give a roundhouse kick~

  2. thanks for the warning bro... naseb baik sempat elak...



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