Friday 26 August 2011

ImbA The Stream Al-Jazeera

Hai all readers... pertama sekali, post ni berbeza sket ngan post2 yang lepas... Apa yang berbeza adalah post ni tak pendek... post ni panjang sket.. and just nak bincangkan satu pendapat dari editor blogimba... ini adalah pendapat persendirian admin blogimba yang mahu share bersama readers sume.

Kalo korang bukak Al-Jazeera pagi tadi, korang akan tertengok satu rancangan bernama The Stream. Rancangan ni slalunyer membincangkan mane2 issue penting dari negara2 luar.. Dan topik diorg hari ni adalah pasal Malaysia...

They were talking about racism in Malaysia.. utk discuss issue ni diorg panggil tiga orang ahli panel.. 

Khairy jamaluddin(barisan National)... Marina Mahathir(activist) and Nik Nazmi(Parti keadilan rakyat)...


 and this was the host... Derrick Ashong..

and the things yang diorg discuss adalah some racial things that are happening in Malaysia... contohnyer, diorg bawak issue iklan 8TV tempoh hari.. yang last2 kene ban tu sbb racial.. and raids on the church.. and the ban on the usage of the word Allah in churchs...

u guys can see the full video kat sini... dan korang bley tau full details amende diorg talk about kat situ... ni haa link vid discussion diorg...

so back to what i wanted to say... sbg sorang yg mmg slalunyer tak amek tau sgt pasal politik malaysia nie... ak agak pelik gak la bile ak tgk segmen tu tadi.. ternyata host rancangan tu make it sound seolah-olah racism dkat malaysia ni berada pada tahap kritikal.. terutama ble dia tayangkan video iklan 8tv ngan vid klip pasal raid to church... lg2 dia mmg tekankan pasal ban of the word "Allah".. and a few other things...

dan soalan2 yang diajukan kat ahli2 panel tu pun mmg ImbA2.... kalau ak kat tempat tu... agak cangok la ak spt monyet di bwh nie...

tapi dgn tenang, ahli2 panel tu start jawab... dan sebelum ni ak bukannyer fanboy BN ataupun KJ... tapi lepas ak tgk cara dia respon, u gotta admit.. the guy got skills... mmg jawapan2 dia awesome.. dan bley counter ape saje bende yang diorg tuduh to malaysia... malang skali... Marina mahathir and nik nazmi tak menyerlah langsung... marina went ahead and admitted yg malaysia got probs... dan mmg discriminate and all other shits la...

yang si nik nazmi tu plak.. tak habis2 cari jalan nak hentam BN, saying that the current system mmg bermasalah... so in a sense nak kate la, kalo diorg naik.. everythings gonna be better...

paling buat ak rase nak pukul si Derrick Ashong tu adalah, bile dia samekan Apartheid ngan racism in malaysia... 

tgk.. budak kat atas ni pun panas.... seriusly.. WTF.. apartheid and malaysia.. owh jauh skali... mmg bangang gler persoalan dia tu.. kalo ak.. ak da ckp da nga derrick ashong tu.. 

"i think u should know better what apartheid is all about, so please dont throw the word casually like that. I believe the word was invented bcoz of u ppl, not bcoz of any racial discrimination in malaysia"

and it is sad to say that not all three panelist tried to change the wrong perspective which the host have set on malaysia.. ak nmpak khairy saying things defending malaysia's constitution and opposition plak trying to say yg the system mmg salah.. we need to come up with something better and stuff... come on ppl.. nak gaduh... jgn la gaduh dkat dpan International crowd... 

buat malu je.. instead all three of u shud have stuck together and wacked those host's asses... show them the malaysian spirit...

Ak sbg rakyat malaysia believes in this simple principle... kita ada 4 main bangsa dkat Malaysia nie...




i'm a malaysian... not a malay, not a chinese, not an indian... 

korang ape?... korang pikirlah sendiri... i love this country and i would like to keep it in peace all the time.. mgkin ade di antara korg ckp.. ak hidup dlm dunia fantasi.. this is not possible.. there is no such thing as no racism in malaysia..

but come on guys.. daripada dok argue ini sume salah sape.. lets fix the  prob and be optimistic.. respect each other.. and if there is one thing that we have learned throughout our 54 years of freedom.. its tolerance...

u can run and stay in other countries but at the end of the day, Malaysia is your home... Malaysia is our home regardless of race and religion...

so lets show the world.. that we can live togther... that a country with different religious backgrounds, different culture, different ethnic group can live together... survive together... and BE IMBA together....

nah... korang tgk balek lirik lagu yg korang slalu nyanyi kat skolah dlu... timbulkan balek smangat patriotik dlm diri korang... majulah MALAYSIA..... and to all MALAYSIANS.... be as awesome as u can and lets kick the world's ass......

Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku
Rakyat Hidup
Bersatu dan Maju
Rahmat Bahagia
Tuhan Kurniakan
Raja Kita 
Selamat Bertakhta
Rahmat Bahagia
Tuhan Kurniakan
Raja Kita 
Selamat Bertakhta

selamat hari merdeka....


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