Wednesday 24 August 2011

ImbA- World Record

waddup readers....

dlm dunia nie byk gile world record yang pelik2...

dan memang some of it kita bley break... asalkan ade semangat yg kental dan katang...

so hari ni blogimba nak report pasal keazaman sorang pompuan ni utk break world record..

utk nak break record ni, beliau terpaksa struggle dgn pelbagai kesukaran,

latihan fizikal, strenous exercises, dan juga masalah2 kesihatan...

nak tau record ape dia mau break?


beliau nak jadi the world's fattest woman...

this is Susanne Eman

dan dia nak jadi world's fattest woman...

skarang ni dia weighs 728 pounds dan aim beliau adelah nak smpai 1600 pounds...

"The bigger I get, the better I feel. I feel confident and sexy,” said 
the 32-year-old Eman.

"Why not see how fat I can get? I want to break the stigma that 
being fat is a bad thing."

Simpson agrees. "I eat as much as I want, whenever I want."
She even gets paid to make appearances where people watch her
"I love eating and people love watching me eat," the 43-year-old
said. "It makes people happy, and I'm not harming anyone."

taken from : SOURCE

perghhhh... Holy Shit IMBA.....

so utk sehari, beliau ni makan 20000 calories lebey just to reach that weight yg di idam-idamkan tu....

"I want to break the stigma that being fat is a bad thing," she said. "I

 remind other fat people that it is OK for them to be that way. The

 message I want to get across is for people to accept others for who

 they are."
taken from : SOURCE

ImbA kan...

ImbA IKLAN for the day.... sile klik ya'all...

click "read more" to see some disturbing photos of Susanne Enma...



  1. Macam badak air ak tengok pompuan ni... (btw ak bukan racist ngan org gemok) mmg betul kan?


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